たまたまマーティー教授が自身の名前を冠した研究所(シカゴ大のMartin Marty Center)が発行するオンライン誌
「Sightings (Religion in Public Life)」
に「2016年を振り返って」まとめている記事、The Religiocification of Hate、(2016年12月12日)に使っていて「ほー、どんなニュアンスなんだろう?」と思ったことがきっかけでこの記事を書こうと思った次第です。
For the second time in this year of hatreds—and the third in 15
months—we quote Else Frenkel-Brunswick, specialist on the “ethnocentric
personality,” who observed that in the case of the hater, “even his hate
is mobile and can be directed from one object to another”; and John
Dewey, who noted that people “do not shoot because targets exist, but
they set up targets in order that throwing and shooting may be more
effective and significant.”
(1)政治権力崇拝(the worship of political power, the religiocification of patriotism )
(3)米大統領就任式(the "religiocification"of the presidential transition)
The Religiocification of Hate、とは本来浮動的なヘイトが今年は特に(宗教グループである)モスレムに際立って向かった年だった、ということになるかと思います。
Actually, I have
not even found an exact German word, but it is about: to make something
"sacred" (= with religion related), i.e. With religion. See also "secular" - "secularization"
I do not know if it would be called in German "sacrification", "sacralization" or "sacralization" or so ...
Is there a word in English (preferably AE)? Or how would the word "tinker"
"Sacrification"? "Sacralization" or something else?
M. E. Marty, A Nation of Behavers, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1976, p. 14.
"the religiocification of secular humanism"
See also http://books.google.com/books?id=Q8OclZWNgE0C...
Martin E. Marty, "Context", January 1, 2002, Volume 34, Number 1.
Sometimes people from the world of science resist the religiocification of science in
the name of both science and religion. Here Jerome Groopman, M.D. writes on the
“curious coupling of science and religion”:
Martin E. Marty, "We're no Holier for our Holy War", New York Times, July 22, 1981
- One year into its holy war, the United States, is not, and stands
small chance of becoming, a holier, happier, more civil, or more moral
nation. Last summer, during the election campaign, citizens began to see
what in the black movement used to be called the ''religiocification''
of politics. Now, the unpromising language of the crusade or jihad
corrupts the news media and disrupts society. It is time for a
This is a neologism that Marty ascribes to Alfred B. Cleage. It probably
expresses what you want. A Google search reveals 38 hits, and all of
them seem to stem from Martin E. Marty.
Another possibility: desecularization (once you've established what you mean by "secularization")
is a possibility but also refers to ossification of the sacrum. I
suffer from partial sacralization because the left side of my sacrum has
fused to my pelvis.
"sanctification" refers to the process of making something holy (@#4 one "c" too many)